Your faith
Prayer and worship materials, faith-based resources for families, children and young people, and ways you can explore your beliefs
Prayer and worship
Prayer & Worship
Prayer, hymn and worship resources to help you fulfil and explore your faith
Worship notes
A regular resource for anyone who leads and plans worship. Each week’s notes contains prayers for Sunday services, thoughts on readings and hymn suggestions
URC Prayer Handbook
Order your copy of the 2025 URC Prayer Handbook, and find out the latest news about the 2026 Prayer Handbook.
Sunflowers & Thistles
A collection of praise and protests songs written by the Revd John Campbell that focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the pandemic
Families, children & young people
Families, children & young people
Resources, activities and support for families, children and youth workers, and young people
Children and youth work
Free resources and ideas developed to equip children, families, young people, young adults, and those who engage with them.
Family-friendly church
Resources, support and activities to help make your church welcoming to children and young people, and their families
URC Youth
URC Youth is made up of young people and adults (aged 11 – 25) who are connected with the URC and gives them a platform and a voice in the Church
Developing your faith
Developing your faith
Find out about our learning programmes including Stepwise, a discipleship programme for the whole church
Stepwise is the discipleship development programme from the URC. Stepwise is for everyone: all ages, shapes and sizes – including you!
Visit the URC Learning Hub, the home for all the URC blended learning and self-access online programmes
Preparing to lead worship
Guidance for those exploring a call to become either a Locally Recognised Worship Leader or an Assembly Accredited Lay Preacher
Joining the ministries
Joining the ministries
Advice, guidance and support for people thinking about taking an ordained role in the Church
Newbigin Pioneering Hub
The Newbigin Pioneering Hub is an initiative which will offer spare-time training in pioneer ministry for those starting out and a community for pioneers within the URC and beyond
Ministry of Word & Sacraments
Guidance and support those who are exploring a call to ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacraments (‘Minister’) in the URC
Fresh Expressions
Fresh Expressions of church are new types of church that tend to (though not always) develop outside of church buildings, amid contemporary culture and in ecumenical settings
Sharing your faith
Evangelism in the URC
The Evangelism in the URC page contains information and resources to help you share your faith with others.